Best plant even earlier than March say Feb, easy dig, time for plant to settle and adjust so can begin to move internally as light, and weather begin to change
I must say that this particular episode of your enterprise has illustrated the magnitude of it all. It’s something about having 75,000 parallel projects all demanding thought and action… hang in there, baby! If you feel your head about to explode, take a dip in the icy ocean and refresh. There’s no more beautiful coastline in the world in my opinion.
What a glorious adventure is unfolding
What an enormous project you have undertaken but how extremely rewarding to see it coming to life despite the roller coaster journey at times
It’s really looking incredible and the hand basins alone are beautiful
I can see many more stories being shared as new chapters are opening
Amazing what you have created
Best plant even earlier than March say Feb, easy dig, time for plant to settle and adjust so can begin to move internally as light, and weather begin to change
Alastair, your updates are a joy to read. Best's from Bosnia.
I must say that this particular episode of your enterprise has illustrated the magnitude of it all. It’s something about having 75,000 parallel projects all demanding thought and action… hang in there, baby! If you feel your head about to explode, take a dip in the icy ocean and refresh. There’s no more beautiful coastline in the world in my opinion.