What a wonderful account of the trip to Spain, sure made me miss that European possibility of being in a completely different country, culture and language in just a short drive. You should have included pictures of the birthday food, especially el jamon serrano, I'm sure it was glorious!

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I need to know more about this, please: I’ve only been deported from a couple of countries and have only illegally sneaked into a few (although with Zimbabwe and Myanmar it was more than once).


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Loved this blog. As someone, originally from Wrexham, Rhyl's Sun Centre was a real treat!!

Your frictionless movement to Spain and back, reminded me how depressing Brexit is.....on soooo many levels!

Get well soon! Covid is on the rise, again!

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I see we're not the only family that quotes Duran Duran when confronted with Sus Scrofa...

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