
Hey guys - I’ll drop you a line.

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Hi Alastair, I found you - lovely to meet you and Ana buying trees. Let's stay in touch! Linda & Jason charleslinda@hotmail.com

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I thoroughly enjoyed the voiceover. Thank you! I’m so glad I am not the only one who is not on TikTok or Twitter.

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Oh my goodness, it all sounds exhausting , I need a lay down in a Darkened room😀😀 Hope Garfy is alright, it will be interesting to see how your dogs react to the kittens. Good luck with your week !!

With love, Annie x

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Hello Alastair, I love reading your posts and love the links to to the backstories. This post has “mail to:” in front of the link address so it takes me to my email server not to the links. If I manually remove the “mail to” the link works fine. The Congo link works fine (which I liked very much!) Just thought I would give you the heads up on that.

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Thanks so much Eva! I've updated them so they should all work now.

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